Sunday, November 23, 2014

Ko afirmiše nauku BiH u svijetu?

                                                        Bismillahi Rrahmani Rrahim,

Da li to rade naučne institucije koje su u proteklih nekoliko decenija dobile znatna sredstva za nauku, ili to rade pjedinci entuziasti koji nemaju ni prebijene pare u džepu?

Evo imela jednog naučnog časopisa:

To: Lutvo Kurić, Bosnia and Herzegovina
·           me
Systems theory and cybernetics in chemistry and physics

Dear Lutvo Kurić

We will publish your paper in volume 1 issue 4, Nov. 2014.

Thank you for submitting your work to this journal.

Your correction should be submitted within 48 hours.

We are looking forward to receiving your response.

With kind regards,

Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research

Dr. Said Benramache
Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research
ORIC Publications

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