Friday, November 28, 2014

Nauka za bogate autore

                                                                  Bismillahi Rrahmani Rrahim,

Živimo u vremenu kada autori ne dobijaju autorske honorare za svoje publikovane naučne radove.Umjesto honorara primorani su da plate izdavačima troškove publikovanja svojih radova. Današnja nauka je nauka bogatih autora. Nije bitan kvalitet naučnih radova. Bitno je da imate pare. Najvrednije naučne ideje će biti odbačene zbog nekoliko mrvica dolara. To je istina o nauci trećeg milenija. To je jedan od razloga zbog čega se fundamentalne znanosti trećeg milenija još uvijek nalaze u kamenom dobu.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Da li BiH zabranjuje naučna istraživanja? Ako ih ne zabranjuje zašto ih ne podržava?

                                                                     Bismillahi Rrahmani Rrahim,


Još jedno međunarodno priznanje BiH nauci.

                                                                  Bismillahi Rrahmani Rrahim,

Već sedam godina svaki mjesec BiH nauka dobija izvanredno međunarodno priznanje. Prvi smo na prestižnoj BioMed TOP listi u konkurenciji više desetina najpoznatijih stručnjaka iz prirodnih nauka. Nadležne institucije čak ni ne znaju za ta međunarodna priznanja, niti ih ista interesiraju.


Moderna nauka u svijetu se interesuje za BiH nauku

                                                             Bismillahi Rrahmani Rrahim,

The International Journal of Biotechnology
Online ISSN: 2306-6148 - - Print ISSN: 2306-9864
Dear Colleagues

We would like to invite you to submit your research paper for possible publication in The International Journal of Biotechnology (IJBT)”. It is published by Pak publishing Group on a monthly basis. The TIJB provides a place for the quick publication of both full-length articles and short communications on novel and pioneering features of biotechnology. The scope of the journal includes the research, industrial and commercial aspects of biotechnology, in areas such as:
  • Environmental Biotechnology
  • Agricultural Biotechnology
  • Microbial Biotechnology
  • Plant Biotechnology
  • Animal Biotechnology
  • Marine Biotechnology
  • Medical Biotechnology
  • Industrial Biotechnology
  • Nanobiotechnology
  • Engineering Biotechnology
  • Biotechnology in the developed and developing world
  • Management and economics of biotechnology
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•    Microsoft Academic Search
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•    Sciverse

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NewJour(The archive is provided courtesy of Lauinger Library, Georgetown University)

Will index in the following
Social Sciences Citation Index

Instructions To Authors:


Monthly Archive

Waiting for your papers.
Yours sincerely,

Sajid Hussain
Journal Marketing Manager
Sadeeq Block, Near Fawara Chowk,
Abbasia Town, Rahim Yar Khan - 64200,
Punjab, Pakistan
Tel # +92685900477

Interes moderne nauke za BiH nauku

                                                        Bsmillahi Rrahmani Rrahim,

Call for Papers
Journal of Chemistry and Biochemistry
ISSN: 2374-2712 (Print) 2374-2720 (Online)
Journal of Chemistry and Biochemistry  is a peer-reviewed international journal published by American Research Institute for Policy Development. The Journal brings together multidisciplinary interests in one journal and is to disseminate information on all aspects of research and development in chemistry as well as biochemistry. Contributions in the form of research articles and short communications are considered for publication. It is devoted to the publication of contributions in all fields of experimental and applied researches of chemistry. The editors welcome original contributions that have not been published and are not under consideration elsewhere. Papers accepted for publication are double-blind refereed to ensure academic integrity.
The journal is published by the American Research Institute for Policy Development that serves as a focal point for academicians, professionals, graduate and undergraduate students, fellows, and associates pursuing research throughout the world.
The interested contributors are highly encouraged to submit their manuscripts/papers to the executive editor via e-mail at Please indicate the name of the journal (Journal of Chemistry and Biochemistry) in the cover letter or simply put ‘Journal of Chemistry and Biochemistry’ in the subject box during submission via e-mail. 
The journal is Abstracted/Indexed in CrossRef, CrossCheck, Cabell's, Ulrich's, Griffith Research Online, Google Scholar,, Informatics, Universe Digital Library, Standard Periodical Directory, Gale, Open J-Gate, EBSCO, Journal Seek, DRJI, ProQuest, BASE, InfoBase Index, OCLC, IBSS, Academic Journal Databases, Scientific Index.
E-Publication FirstTM
E-Publication FirstTM is a feature offered through our journal platform. It allows PDF version of manuscripts that have been peer reviewed and accepted, to be hosted online prior to their inclusion in a final printed journal. Readers can freely access or cite the article. The accepted papers are published online within one week after the completion of all necessary publishing steps.
DOI® number
Each paper published in Journal of Chemistry and Biochemistry is assigned a DOI® number, which appears beneath the author's affiliation in the published paper. Click HERE to know what is DOI (Digital Object Identifier)? Click HERE to retrieve Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for journal articles, books, and chapters.
JCB is inviting papers for Vol. 2, No. 2. The online publication date is December 31, 2014. Submission Deadline: November 30, 2014.
You may view the complete list of the journals of the institute.
For any additional information, please contact with the executive editor at
Executive Editor
Journal of Chemistry and Biochemistry

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