Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A formula for decoding of nuclear processes

Bosnians complement Einstein's theory: Connection between mass and energy is arithmetical expression for sublime God's name.

Journal “Express” (No. 53 27.06.2002.)

A formula for decoding of nuclear processes is discovered.

{[SA(R1,2,3,n) x B] - [SB(R1,2,3,n) x A] + (AB)} = ABA;

ABA = (7x9x7) = 931;

931 >> God’s Code

Journal “Express” (No. 60 15.08.2002.)

We can observe nuclear processes from perspective of the most contemporary digital technology. We can make digital images of those processes. After we do that we will see that the sequences in those processes are interconnected by God’s Code 931.

Nuclear rows(1)

U = 92; Ra = 88; Rn = 86 Po = 84; i Pb = 82;

S1 = ( U + Ra) = ( 92 + 88 ) = 180;

S2 = (U + Ra + Rn) = ( 92+88+86) = 266;

S3=(U+Ra+Rn+Po)= (92+88+86+84)= 350;

S4=( U+Ra+Rn+Po+Pb)= (92+88+86+84+82) = 432;

axS║Sxaà081║180;662║266; 053║350; 234║432;

( Sxa + Sxb + Sxn) = Xk; kX║Kx; (kX 1 + kX2) = 931;

931 <<<>

Nuclear rows(2)

U = 92; Ra = 88; Rn = 86 Po = 84; i Pb = 82;

S1 = ( U + Ra) = ( 92 + 88 ) = 180;

S2 = (U + Ra + Rn) = ( 92+88+86) = 266;

S3=(U+Ra+Rn+Po)= (92+88+86+84)= 350;

S4=( U+Ra+Rn+Po+Pb)= (92+88+86+84+82) = 432;

axS║Sxaà081║180;662║266; 053║350; 234║432;

( Sxa + Sxb + Sxn) = Xk; kX║Kx; (kX 1 + kX2) = 931;

[S4 + (S1 + S2 + S3)]








God’s Code

Processes in nuclear physics (1)



God’s Code

Processes in nuclear physics (2)



God’s Code

Processes in nuclear physics (3)



God’s Code

Our Majestic Lord uses Code 931 to interconnect the nuclear processes.. Output those relations is the sublime God’s Code 931;

God’s Code 931 we discovered in the nuclear processes testify and confirm the fact that the genes were created. They testify and confirm that they were created by the Sensible Creator.

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